sobota, 17. oktober 2009

baby boy

Look at him
That baby boy
His bright blue eyes
And jet black hair

He`s so cute
With that sad smile
Standing tall
He seems so shy

Dressed in black
He mourns his dad
His whole life
Was changed so fast

Now he`s alone
In the whole wide world
Mourning them
Is all he knows

One big blast
Is all it took
To take away
Those that he loved

One single tear
Flows down his face
Sad blue eyes
They tear your heart

Baby boy
Don`t be so sad
I know it`s hard
I know it`s bad

Hold it tight
Be very strong
We all are here
To help you bear

Go now home
Cry the pain away
Baby boy
you`ll smile again

long time no see

zdej me pa res ni blo nč tle gor
da mal pouzamem dogajanje u tem cajtu-3.letnik sm zaklučla,in ne glih veselo zakoračla u 4. 18-ko sm prežvela in praznovala ene 4x.
darila so bla mega nora. bungee,sky diving, canyoning, boni itd. še 1x fullllll hvala za vse!!

kokr že rečeno,šola je s5 tle in s tem učenje. katastrofa.
aja,nehala sm trenirat. do konca in zares. u glaunem zarad poškodb, ampak tut zato kr pač nimam več take vole ko sm jo prej mela in se mi zdi brez veze vztrajat sam iz navade. je res da bi lahk dost dosegla,sam usi vemo da se od tega športa u sloveniji neda žvet. tak da bomo zdej pač majčken več pozornosti namenjal šoli. kao. tak je pač plan.

oblubla sm da bom zgodbico objaulala po delih,sam iz tega ne bo nič. napisala sm jo do konca,sam mi ni bla čist nč ušeč tak da sm use skupi stran vrgla. napisala sm eno novo, ki je še v procesu izpopolnjevanja,in mi je ušeč,je pa velik predolga da bi jo objaulala. če je kdo fejt zainteresiran mi nej mail pošle pa mu jo pošlem nazaj.
napisala sm tut neki novih komadov. te bom verjetn objaula. ne use,tabolše oz tiste k so mi najbol ušeč pa.


sobota, 7. marec 2009


Dark haired man
Dark eyed girl
Dark`s their soul
Dark their wear
They serve the night
They`re not scared

Forbidden words
Were said by them
They are the cursed
Gifted by dark
They will not flee
They`re not the prey

So pale and white
Yet dark and shy
Look at them
What you see
It`s nothing there
Just shadows left

ponedeljek, 2. februar 2009


Standing there
Upon the hill
His figure tall
He knows no fear

Spear in hand
Bow standing low
This war is his
To death that is

Down below
Down that small hill
His army stands
Defend their lands

There they are
Their enemys
Seeking blood
Ride through the mud

One deep breath
And then it starts
Both armies march
Commanded harsh

Archers first
Their arrows fly
Bloody mud
They fall with thud

Death falls down
On warrior heads
Lying there
They`ll go no where

He stands again
Upon that hill
His face so sad
His eyes are mad

Sloughered boys
With open throuts
He won his fight
But lost all might

petek, 5. december 2008


hay there. welcome. what are you about to read os the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. it is a written record of my very long and very...vivid life. some may call it a fairytale, some sci-fi. i call it autobiography.
who am i? what am i?
for some i`m a mithical creature that never really existed, for some an imaginary creature. i`ll let you have your guess.

my first life began sometime in the middle of 18th century. i was the counts doughter - beautiful, rich, educated...curious. i alwasy got what i wanted, my desires were never in question. my wish was everbodys command.
we lived in a middle-sized castle on a hill upon the town. i very rarely went to the city, althoe i loved walking those streets, but the guards were so annoying! besides, everything i needed, everything i wanted was right here, in the castle. my days went on pretty much the same.
i loved to learn so i studied in the castles big library in the castles big library in the morning.
animals were also my big passion. i often went riding in the afternoons. i felt so free in the back of my proud black Astarte. and everywhere i vent, i was followed by my dog Avalon, the great dane. she was the only dog allowed to move freely around pur property.
my mother never approved my behavior, she thought i should act more lady-like, but niether she nor my father never said anything to prevent or change that. they loved me far too much to see me unhappy. in my curiosity i wandered through the forest around the castle almost every day. i knew every tree, every bush, every rock. i loved the freedom riding through the trees provided. it made me forget the reality inside the fourtress, the tensity, the life of royalty.
don`t get me wrong, i loved my life as it was, i wouldn`t have trade it for anything. but sometimes it was hard to follow all the rules of high life. to honor the protocol. that`s why i avoided social partys as much as i could. i was the star of every ball, my dance moves were flawless, i just never stayed long enough to meet any of my fathers friends.

nedelja, 30. november 2008


so,im back

krneki cajta sm mal zapostaulala tole,sam zdej pa mam 2min cajta da neki napišem

torej,učiri smo le dočaka 1.letošnji sneg tut celjani! kak je blo leeeppoooo!!!

šola je u polnem zagonu,in ne morm rečt da mi je to ušeč. letos sm kr mal slab začela,čeprav mi gre na splošno bolš ko prejšne lete. ja,hecn,sam js že vem zaka se gre.

trenutno sm bolana. moja vsakoletna reakcija na 1.sneg je da nasledn dan zbolim. to je že tradicionalno:S. me not like this tradition!

moja tekmovalna sezona se bo tut počas začela,z 6.12 na držaunem prvenstvu u šentjurju. čeprav me je še kr strah delat določene stvari zarad zadnje poškodbe,mislim da sm že kr uredu,glede na to kake napovedi so mi dohterji dal.

druga se ni nč kej zabaunga zgodil. komi čakam na počitnce!! sam še mal. božič,nou let...upam da bo sneg.

pol nas čakajo pa 18-ke!! začnemo kr po novem letu,pa se ne ustaumo do novembra:D super!!

no,sm pa med kakimi prostimi minutami tut napisala kakšno malenkost. u glaunem gre za angleške komade,nastaja pa tut ena zgodbica,ki do zdej še nima imena. sm se odločla da jo bom objaulala pa delih,pa bom pol pobirala predloge za naslou.



četrtek, 23. oktober 2008

Movie Day

dans smo se po šoli amy,mihy,js in vesna spraule k men na movie day.
vesna je bla itak že prej konc,nas je pa tut kvasouka prejs pustila in smo šibale k linchu gledat kak gajo stabba ko ji je tatoo delu. prau fajn je zgledu. tatoo,namreč. pol smo ga šibnale k men,na poti pobrale vesno in se naselile pred tv.
najprej smo gledale pou zohana,pa se nobeni ni dal neki režat in smo zamenjale s patologijo. to nej bi bla neki mega scarry grozliuka,u bistvu je pa prau bedn film. kr neki.
ko smo to do konca pogledle smo šle js amy pa vesna na čaj u mozarta,mihy je mogla pa u internat.

p.s.dans smo pisal fisko. pogreb. bat tak da mi jasn ne bo. oh well. s tem se bom po počitncah ubadala

in zdej še ena novica: naši tekmovauci so iz svetounega pokala u tae kwon-doju prnesl eno zlato,2 srebrni in 3 bronaste medalje!!!! go naši!!!